Code of Conduct

Behavior that is encouraged during the Town Hall

  • Respect the purpose of the Town Hall; come prepared and ready to engage.
  • Listen actively, treating everyone with respect and consideration.
  • Communicate openly and thoughtfully with others, being considerate of the multitude of views and opinions that are different than your own.
  • Be mindful in your critique of ideas, for example do not critique an individual’s personal experience, and handle differences of opinion constructively.
  • Respect the privacy of participants, and ask for consent for photography, audio-visual recordings or quotes.

During this Town Hall, offensive or disruptive comments, sharing of inappropriate images, and any actions considered to be intimidating, destructive, or disruptive will not be tolerated. If a participant engages in disrespectful or harassing behavior, the organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or removing the offender from the platform (in this case, WebEx). Harassment includes, but is not limited to, comments related to an individual’s gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, or other protected status.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact an organizer one of two ways:

Via email: Amy L. Fagan, LEAG Chair ( or Greg Schmidt, SSERVI Director (
Via the chat box: Direct message an organizer (Amy L. Fagan - LEAG Chair or Greg Schmidt - SSERVI Director) using the direct message feature in WebEx